Create and download prayer timetables for various cities in $qcountry":"the world"; echo $dimana ?>! Start by entering your city's name in the form above. If not found, or too many results, combine the city with state or county name or higher administrative order .
Popular Prayer Timetables (PDF, Excel Versions)
Below are several, most popular prayer timetables that have been generated in this website.
prepare('SELECT * FROM places2 ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT 40;'); $res = $sql->execute(); $rows = array(); while ($row = $res->fetchArray()) { if($row['city']) { $myloc = ($row['subdistrict'])?$row['subdistrict']:($row['district']?$row['district']:$row['city']); $mystate = $row['state']?$row['state']:$row['county']; // $loghi = intval(log($row['hits'])*10)+1; $loghi = $row['hits']; $href = "{$www}for/".urlencode($row['country'])."/".urlencode($myloc.", ".$mystate)."/".urlencode($row['hereid'])."/"; array_push($clouds,"{text: '{$row['city']}', weight: {$loghi}, link: '{$href}'}"); } } } else { //Get list of countries $sql = $db->prepare('SELECT country, count(*) as hits FROM places2 group by country;'); //$sql = $db->prepare('SELECT country, hits FROM places2;'); //$sql = $db->prepare('SELECT DISTINCT country FROM places2;'); //$sql = $db->prepare('SELECT DISTINCT country FROM places2 ORDER BY country;'); $res = $sql->execute(); $rows = array(); while ($row = $res->fetchArray()) { if($row['country']) { if(!isset($rows[$row['country']])) { $rows[$row['country']] = $row['hits']; } else { $rows[$row['country']] += $row['hits']; } } } if($rows) { arsort($rows); $rows2 = array(); foreach ($rows as $co => $hi) { $hi = count_format($hi); array_push($rows2,"{$co} ({$hi})"); } echo "Muslim Prayer Times for Various Countries
\n"; echo "Examples of prayer times for various cities can be found from the following links (sorted by popularity or number of places searched). They are available as daily prayer times, monthly prayer timetables, or yearly muslim prayer timetables. In addition, there will be options to download the prayer timetables as PDF, texts or Excel (.csv or .xlsx) formats.
\n"; echo implode(" | ", $rows2); echo "\nPopular Prayer Timetables
Ramadan Prayer Timetables (Namaz Times)
When is Ramadan ?. Find out information about the incoming holy month of Ramadan and create your own Ramadan prayer timetables using our online Ramadan Timetable Generator. You can then, save or download the timetables as PDF or Excel formats.
Yearly Prayer Timetable Generator
The following is our old website for the generation of yearly prayer timetables. The service will produce PDF and Excel files for convenient printing or editing. Please visit the "Yearly Prayer Timetable Generator".
Prayer Timetable Widget
We have set up a service for you to display daily prayer times as a widget for your website.
prepare('SELECT * FROM places2 WHERE country = ? ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT 20;'); $sql->bindParam(1, $qcountry); $res = $sql->execute(); */ $rows = array(); if($qcountry=="India" || $qcountry=="Pakistan" || $qcountry=="Bangladesh" || $qcountry=="Afghanistan") { echo "Popular namaz timetables in $qcountry
\n"; } else { echo "Popular prayer timetables in $qcountry
\n"; } echo "\n"; while ($row = $res->fetchArray()) { if($row['city']) { $myloc = ($row['subdistrict'])?$row['subdistrict']:($row['district']?$row['district']:$row['city']); $mystate = $row['state']?$row['state']:$row['county']; $linktext = ""; if($row['subdistrict']) { $linktext .= "{$row['subdistrict']}, {$row['district']}"; } elseif($row['district']) { $linktext .= "{$row['district']}, {$row['city']}"; } else { $linktext .= "{$row['city']}"; } $linktext .= ", {$mystate}, {$row['country']}"; //$linktext .= " ({$row['hits']})"; $formatHits = count_format($row['hits']); // array_push($rows,"{$linktext}"); array_push($rows,"{$linktext} ({$formatHits} views)"); } } echo implode(" | ", $rows); echo "\n
\n"; //Get list of popular cities $sql = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM places2 WHERE country = ? ORDER BY lasthit DESC LIMIT 20;'); $sql->bindParam(1, $qcountry); $res = $sql->execute(); $rows = array(); echo "Latest prayer timetables in $qcountry
\n"; echo "\n"; while ($row = $res->fetchArray()) { if($row['city']) { $myloc = ($row['subdistrict'])?$row['subdistrict']:($row['district']?$row['district']:$row['city']); $mystate = $row['state']?$row['state']:$row['county']; $linktext = ""; if($row['subdistrict']) { $linktext .= "{$row['subdistrict']}, {$row['district']}"; } elseif($row['district']) { $linktext .= "{$row['district']}, {$row['city']}"; } else { $linktext .= "{$row['city']}"; } $linktext .= ", {$mystate}, {$row['country']}"; // array_push($rows,"{$linktext}"); array_push($rows,"{$linktext}"); } } echo implode(" | ", $rows); echo "\n
\n"; } //if qcountry defined ?> setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($row['tz'])); } //set prayer time calculation $fmt = new IntlDateFormatter( 'en-EN', IntlDateFormatter::FULL, IntlDateFormatter::NONE, $row['tz'], IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN ); $fmtHari = new IntlDateFormatter( 'en-EN', IntlDateFormatter::NONE, IntlDateFormatter::NONE, $row['tz'], IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN, 'EEEE' ); $fmtAngka = new IntlDateFormatter( 'en-EN', IntlDateFormatter::NONE, IntlDateFormatter::NONE, $row['tz'], IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN, 'dd-MM-yyyy' ); require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'/jadwal-shalat/salat-conventions.php'); $conv = country2convention($iso2); //var_dump($conv); $crit = get_criterion($conv['mpt_conv']); //date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'/utils/arphp3/Arabic.php'); $ArSalat = new I18N_Arabic('Salat'); $the_fiqh = $conv['mpt_asr']; $the_lat = $row['lat']; $the_long = $row['long']; $the_tz = $mydate->format('Z')/3600; //from seconds to hours $the_elev = 0; //temporary set as zero $the_month = $mydate->format('m'); $the_date = $mydate->format('d'); $the_year = $mydate->format('Y'); // Salat calculation configuration: Sunni $ArSalat->setConf($the_fiqh, -0.833333, $conv['mpt_ishaz'], $conv['mpt_fajrz'], 'Sunni'); // Latitude, Longitude, Zone, and Elevation $ArSalat->setLocation($the_lat, $the_long, $the_tz, $the_elev); //calculate today's shalat times $ArSalat->setDate($the_month, $the_date, $the_year); $times = $ArSalat->getPrayTime2(); $kiblat = round($ArSalat->getQibla()); $peta = "https://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/prayer-time/images/map-{$hereid}.jpg"; //if hereid defined, output location info echo "Place: {$myloc}, {$row['country']}. | Position: (".round($row['lat'], 3).", ".round($row['long'], 3)."). {$elevinfo}| Time zone: {$mydate->format('T')} (UTC {$mydate->format('P')}). | Qibla direction: ".$kiblat."° from North.
Prayer Times in Today - format($mydate); ?>
setDate($the_month, $the_date, $the_year); //$times = $ArSalat->getPrayTime2(); //echo ""; //var_dump($times); $mytglangka = $fmtAngka->format($mydate); $mytglfull = str_replace("Sunday","Ahad",$fmt->format($mydate)); $myhari = str_replace("Sunday","Ahad",$fmtHari->format($mydate)); $mytgl = trim(explode(",",str_replace("Sunday","Ahad",$fmt->format($mydate)))[1]); //$mytglonly = trim(explode(" ",$mytgl)[0]); $mytglonly = trim(explode(" ",$mytgl)[0])." ".substr(trim(explode(" ",$mytgl)[1]),0,3); ?>
Date | |
Imsak Today | |
Fajr Today | |
Shuruq Today | |
Dhuha Today | |
Dhuhr Today | |
'Asr Today | |
Maghrib Today | |
Isha' Today | |
Times were calculated based on criterion. |
Qibla Hour
Qibla direction for {$myloc}, {$row['country']} is ". round($ArSalat->getQibla())."°"; echo " from geographical North (clock-wise). $jamkiblat\n"; ?>Monthly Prayer Timetable for
Get your monthly prayer timetables for in PDF format or Excel tables by following these links below.
{$monthnames[$i-1]} {$the_year}"; $monthlylink = "{$monthnames[$i-1]} {$the_year}"; array_push($monthlylinks, $monthlylink); } echo implode(" | ", $monthlylinks); ?>
Yearly Prayer Timetable for
Prayer times for the whole year (PDF and Excel formats) for can also be downloaded from the following links.
{$the_year2}\n"; array_push($yearlylinks,$yearlylink); } } echo implode(" | ", $yearlylinks); ?> .
May you find this service useful. 🙂
Date | Day | Fajr | Shuruq | Dhuha | Dhuhr | 'Asr | Maghrib | Isha' | Qibla Hour | ||
{$monthnames[$the_month-1]} {$the_year} | |||||||||||
{$jsonArray[$j][$i][0]} | "; //$htmlOut2 .= "{$jsonArray[$j][$i][1]} | "; $htmlOut2 .= "{$jsonArray[$j][$i][1]} | "; for ($k=2; $k<12; $k++) { if($k!=3) { //$htmlOut2 .= "{$jsonArray[$j][$i][$k]} | "; $htmlOut2 .= "{$jsonArray[$j][$i][$k]} | "; } } $htmlOut2 .= "|||||||
{$monthnames[$the_month-1]} {$the_year} | |||||||||||
".(($i<10)?("0".$i):($i))." | "; $htmlOut .= "".$mytglangka." | "; $htmlOut .= "{$curDay} | "; // $htmlOut .= "{$times[8]} | "; $htmlOut .= "{$times[0]} | "; $htmlOut .= "{$times[1]} | "; $htmlOut .= "{$times[9]} | "; $htmlOut .= "{$times[2]} | "; $htmlOut .= "{$times[3]} | "; $htmlOut .= "{$times[4]} | "; $htmlOut .= "{$times[5]} | "; $htmlOut .= "{$times[13]} | "; $htmlOut .= "
Prayer times were calculated based on criterion.
Other Yearly Prayer Timetables
Yearly prayer times for the next year: {$nextyear}.\n"; ?>
Date | Day | Fajr | Shuruq | Dhuha | Dhuhr | 'Asr | Maghrib | Isha' | Qibla Hour | {$jsonArray[$j][$i][0]} | "; //$htmlOut2 .= "{$jsonArray[$j][$i][1]} | "; $htmlOut2 .= "{$jsonArray[$j][$i][1]} | "; for ($k=2; $k<12; $k++) { if($k!=3) { //$htmlOut2 .= "{$jsonArray[$j][$i][$k]} | "; $htmlOut2 .= "{$jsonArray[$j][$i][$k]} | "; } } $htmlOut2 .= "\n"; } //i echo $htmlOut2; //error_log("(prayer-time) monthly json used - {$label}"); } //json exists else { for ($i=1; $i<=$monthdays; $i++) { $rowstyle = ""; if($i%2) { $rowstyle .= "genap "; } else { $rowstyle .= "ganjil "; } $ArSalat->setDate($the_month, $i, $the_year); //$curDate = date(mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $i, $the_year)); $curDate = new DateTime(); //$curDate->setTimestamp(mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $i, $the_year)); //set to timezone to handle dst if($row['tz']) { $curDate->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($row['tz'])); } $curDate->setDate($the_year, $the_month, $i); $the_tz = $curDate->format('Z')/3600; //from seconds to hours $ArSalat->setLocation($the_lat, $the_long, $the_tz, $the_elev); $curDay = str_replace("Minggu","Ahad",$fmtHari->format($curDate)); $mytgl = trim(explode(",",str_replace("Minggu","Ahad",$fmt->format($curDate)))[1]); $mytglonly = trim(explode(" ",$mytgl)[0])." ".substr(trim(explode(" ",$mytgl)[1]),0,3); //$mytglangka = $fmtAngka->format($curDate); $mytglangka = $curDate->format("d-m-Y"); $times = $ArSalat->getPrayTime2(); if($curDay == "Friday") { $rowstyle .= "jumat "; } $htmlOut .= "
".$mytglangka." | "; //$htmlOut .= "".(($i<10)?("0".$i):($i))." | "; $htmlOut .= "{$curDay} | "; //$htmlOut .= "{$times[8]} | "; $htmlOut .= "{$times[0]} | "; $htmlOut .= "{$times[1]} | "; $htmlOut .= "{$times[9]} | "; $htmlOut .= "{$times[2]} | "; $htmlOut .= "{$times[3]} | "; $htmlOut .= "{$times[4]} | "; $htmlOut .= "{$times[5]} | "; $htmlOut .= "{$times[13]} | "; $htmlOut .= "
Prayer times were calculated based on criterion.
Other Monthly Prayer Timetables for - Year
{$monthnames[$i-1]} {$the_year}"; array_push($monthlylinks, $monthlylink); } echo implode(" | ", $monthlylinks); ?>